- 35,000,000 people live in Uganda
- 50% of the population are under the age of 14 years
- Only 2% of the population are over 65 years of age
- Kampala, the capital, has 1,500,000 people
- Life expectancy is 53 years (rated 204th in the world — Australia 81 years rated 9th in the world)
- 1,200,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS
- Gross Domestic Product in Uganda is $1,200 (rated 207th in the world)
- Gross Domestic Product in Australia is $41,300 (rated 17th in the world)
- 84% are Christians 12% are Muslims
- Uganda’s land area is just smaller than Victoria
- Local currency is Ugandan Shillings ($1=2,400 Ugandan Shillings)